El ayuno intermitente: ventajas y desventajas

Intermittent fasting: advantages and disadvantages

There has been a lot of talk lately about intermittent fasting as a “new” way to lose weight, improve health, and simplify life. But the truth is that fasting is nothing new; in fact, it has been practiced for thousands of years for spiritual, religious, cultural, and health purposes.

What is it? Intermittent fasting involves lengthening periods of time when you don't eat, and consuming everything you're going to eat that day in a given time window. There are several types: 12/12, with 12 hours of fasting and a 12-hour eating window; 16/8, which involves 16 hours of fasting, and eating two meals within an eight-hour window, is one of the most popular; 24-hour (one meal a day or OMAD) or 48-hour fasts; the 5/2 plan, which means eating normally five days a week and fasting two days a week.

In this regime it is not specified as much that you must eat, otherwise when You must eat it. In this sense, we cannot really classify it as a diet but rather as an eating pattern. It must be said that hydration is even more important when you fast, and that water does not break the fast so drink at least eight glasses of water during the day.


It seems to be very effective for weight loss and body fat, since eating only once or twice a day tends to reduce calorie intake. A study published in the scientific journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging resulted in an average weight loss of three kilograms in 12 weeks, and an average reduction of 341 calories in the amount of calories consumed.

It has also been found to have positive health effects such as lowering cholesterol, improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation.

It appears to increase energy and cognitive functioning.

It is a diet that, instead of complicating your life, simplifies it, since it reduces the time, effort and money you have to invest in food, and you can apply it anywhere.


It may cause some side effects such as dizziness, headaches, irritability or poor concentration.

Vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people who are underweight or have eating disorders or chronic illnesses should not fast without close supervision by a doctor.

It can be a very radical regimen and difficult to sustain for some people who are used to eating three or more times a day.

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