If there is one thing that has grown rapidly in recent years, it is the search for methods to increase well-being. Human beings have always wanted to live longer, but now we are not satisfied with that, but rather we want a better quality of life and to preserve our health and youth as long as possible... So, we rush headlong into trying the trendy diet, the rejuvenating juice, the miraculous exercise routine, the weight-loss supplement, and so on.
Today I bring you four trends that have been making a lot of noise lately, and that have caught my attention due to their great potential to make us feel good.
“Artificial” meat: There are many vegan products that try to replace animal meat with plant-based alternatives, however, today I am referring to real meat made from animal cells, without animal suffering. Although the production of this laboratory-created meat has yet to become widespread, it is only a matter of time. A Dutch company that produces it estimates that it can market it in 2021 and mass produce it two or three years later. Good news for those of us who eat meat, but are also environmentally conscious!
CBD: Cannabidiol, a legal, non-psychoactive component of marijuana, is revolutionizing the wellness world for its significant anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It is anecdotally said to be effective for conditions such as fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, arthritis, and can even increase physical performance. It can be found in a variety of forms such as oils, creams, teas, patches, etc. Remember that it can have side effects and more studies are needed to prove all of these claims and for it to receive FDA approval, but it's safe to say that it looks very promising.
Drinks to improve skin: Something as simple as dragon fruit juice (pitahaya, almond milk, a teaspoon of honey) helps regulate your intestinal transit and this will undoubtedly be reflected in smoother and clearer skin. Lavender drinks (with milk, lavender lemonade, with cucumber and lemon, with matcha) are fantastic for the skin, and also have important relaxing effects. These drinks are effective, inexpensive and easy to prepare.
HIIT: High-intensity interval training has been around for a few years now and is widely known, but it's now becoming even more popular because you can achieve amazing results in a very short amount of time (workouts range from 4 to 30 minutes). With such short workouts, you'll not only burn fat faster, but you'll gain muscle mass, increase your breathing capacity, reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, increase your strength and endurance, and more. It seems like everyone is doing HIIT now, so what are you waiting for? I hope this helps you increase your well-being and that of your loved ones.
On my social networks you will find more ideas so you can live longer and better.