5 tips para combatir la fatiga a través de la dieta

5 tips to combat fatigue through diet

If you've been feeling physically and mentally exhausted lately and feel like you need an extra "boost" to meet all your daily responsibilities (which never decrease, they only increase!), I recommend that you pay close attention to what you're eating. Yes, my friend, to beat mental and physical fatigue, diet is one of the most important things, and when you change your eating habits you'll feel so good that you'll wish you had done it sooner. So, what are you waiting for? Plus, you might have the added benefit of losing a few pounds, which will also help you feel better. J

According to the article Physical and mental fatigue: 5 effective remedies to combat it from the magazine Ellahoy.es This is what you should do to finally overcome that stress and feel more energetic and cheerful.

  • Eat five meals a day: According to the article, it is better to eat small meals five times a day than to overeat or skip a meal. If you eat a lot and then stop eating for many hours, your blood glucose levels spike sharply, making you feel fatigued and even sleepy. With five meals a day, blood sugar levels remain stable and the energy cycle is not interrupted. Therefore, plan to have five small meals a day instead of three large ones.

  • Eat foods rich in carbohydrates: What? Should we eat unhealthy carbohydrates? Yes, but complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, potatoes, fruits, vegetables and greens. These foods provide energy gradually, and are especially important for brain health.

  • Avoid simple carbohydrates: These are the “bad guys” of the movie. I am referring to sugars, cakes, bread, they provide energy very quickly, but soon after they generate fatigue and hunger.

  • Include vitamin C in your diet: According to the article on Ellahoy.es, and it is a fact supported by many years of study, vitamin deficiencies can be the cause of physical and mental fatigue. Let's talk in particular about vitamin C, known for strengthening the defenses and promoting the absorption of iron, thus preventing anemia (fatigue is one of its symptoms). It is best to get vitamin C from food and you can find it in citrus fruits and peppers.

  • Drink plenty of fluids: To stay energetic, it is important to avoid dehydration, which, in addition to fatigue, can cause headaches and other debilitating and debilitating symptoms. Drink water, broth, and herbal teas. Avoid soft drinks and sugary beverages, of course.

By applying these five recommendations you will sleep better, feel new and revitalized to face whatever comes your way and be able to overcome it successfully.

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